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Getting a loan with Goldledger Trades is easy and simple. Loans is available only for fully verified Vip members.
5% Insurance fee is paid once loan is approved before any further transaction. Withdrawals are instants once insurance process is completed
15% Interest is added upon loan payback.
Below you'll find a brief demonstration of how we can manage to support consistent daily returns without losing financial balance. Main emphasis was placed on data / funds flow efficiency derived from Goldledger Trades brokers profits against members returns priorities.
The above diagram shows how Goldledger Trades 's platform mediates external funds between us, our members and BC brokers / traders. BC TRADING APP is highlighted in the middle - it acts as a central processing unit (internal logistics are shown on the diagram above).
APP's goal is to control operational priorities such as: risk assessment, timely returns on loans, allocation of profits from partners, and more.